It’s all about helping the students….
This project came from Wendy seeing a clear need for a single reliable source of information about securing accommodations on the ACT® and SAT®. There is a ton of misinformation and “old” information floating around, and she wanted to solve that problem.
In 2023, Wendy published a guide to help parents navigate the world of standardized test accommodations. This guide will eventually (2024…fingers crossed) grow into an online community where parents can get up-to-date answers to all their questions.
In the meantime, Accommodations Simplified: A Guide to Understanding SAT® and ACT® Accommodations is available on Amazon or your favorite bookstore.
Follow us on Facebook where it’s currently easy to ask questions and get accommodations information.
You can watch some of Wendy’s speaking engagements as well!
Navigating ACT & SAT Accommodations: How to Get Approved & Avoid Common Mistakes with Wendy Raynor
College Admissions Testing and Neurodiverse Students
What do we need to know about College Admissions Testing NOW?
Additionally, Wendy is available to help you with your accommodation needs on a consulting basis. Please use the Contact Us link in the menu or email her at to start the conversation now.